Introducing Vicon Spreading Chart App
new layout makes the App more user friendly. First you select your spreader model. On the next screen you have to enter the working width, application rate, driving speed and the type of application. Then you have to select the fertiliser type. In the distribution field you enter the setting that is given from the granule size box. Then the App will show you the spreading advice adjusted to your settings. By following those easy steps, you will be sure you get the best spreading pattern possible in the field.
New features in the App are the possibility to save your advice in the history screen and an email function of the advice is added.
The spreading charts App is available in the following languages: English (metric and imperial), French (metric and imperial), German, Spanish, Dutch, Bulgarian, Romanian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Latvian, Czech, Italian, Danish, Finnish, Japanese, Norwegian and Polish.
The Vicon spreading charts Apps are available for free through Apple’s App Store and the Google play store - click on the logos below to get the FREE App.